23 July 2010

Feel Good Friday, Unexpected

While The Girl Next Door is recovering from her busy week, she was kind enough to make sure that there was a host for Feel Good Friday; and I'm actually on time (typing this on Thursday helps with that)!

Rather than listing 5 things that brought a smile to my face this week, my prompt is something that someone did for me (a couple weeks ago now) that was quite unexpected and very kind.

I've written several times about the metro system here in St. Pete, and I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned the fact that people just don't talk to strangers while traveling on public transportation, except of course, when Isaiah decides to flirt with them.  But almost 3 weeks ago now, while my mom and I were going to church with the kids, something different happened!  We made quite the picture, I think with Isaiah in his wheelchair and Nadia in the carrier.

Usually I was offered a seat, since I was carrying Nadia, and I always took it, too!  She's getting to be quite the chunk. :)  Anyway, I rode next to a young lady for the majority of the first part of our travels.  When we transferred to a different line, the young lady somehow found me again in the midst of the Sunday crowd and wanted to give me the flowers that she had with her that she was going to give to a friend of hers.

I was speechless!  And I think she must have thought that I didn't understand her because she then started speaking in English, but I replied in Russian and said that I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say!  I then explained that we were going to be out in the heat all day, and that the flowers wouldn't make it until we got home.  I hated not being able to take them.  She was so kind!  She said some very nice things to me, and then we went our separate ways.

Now whenever I start to feel frustrated with people not paying attention to the other people around them (not just me), I think about this young lady, and I smile.

So what made you feel good this week, some time in the recent or not-so-recent past?  Check out the other Feel Good Friday posts at Eternal Lizdom, the guest host for Feel Good Friday this week.


Angie Haraway said...

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe I missed the birth of sweet Nadia! She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats to y'all!
Going to keep up better now that I am blogging again. Keep the post coming!
Will miss seeing you guys at your check-ups!!

Eternal Lizdom said...

I seriously have chills from your story!!! I love hearing about what seem to be angel encounters... and in this case, it seems that you might have been her angel! Something you did or said really touched her- what a beautiful thing!

Thanks for linking up for FGF!

mom slawson said...

What a special story ! Makes me smile too.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about the kindness of others! What a great story!