11 May 2010

Quite the Appropriate Gift

Mother's Day always sneaks up on us over here, since it's not celebrated in Russia.  But my sweet husband was well-prepared this year!

Not only did he get a few special little things that I had been wanting, like a salad spinner and nylon whisk (more exciting to me than it sounds, I know), but he did something as a sweet surprise that was quite appropriate for Mother's Day...

That's "Nadia's Nook" as I have dubbed our daughter's corner in our bedroom.  Thomas put together her dresser and bed for me this weekend!

Now I can get her clothes that friends have sent us out of the suitcases and plastic bags where I've been storing them!  We're thinking about getting a cute little canopy that will also serve as mosquito netting to put over her bed.  Peter the Great did build this city on a swamp, and every summer we are well reminded of that fact!

Thank you, Thomas for making the weekend very special!


Michelle said...

that is a wonderful Mother's Day gift!!

mom slawson said...

Lovely piece of furniture and so appropriate for Mother's Day !!