22 January 2008

Berlin-Day Five

We were ready for some "Girl Time"! Monday morning, Mama and I set off with Isaiah for our own time of wandering around, shopping, eating and just having good ol' girl time. We navigated our way on the U-bohn all by ourselves, found a great little coffee shop then hit the stores! We're not big shoppers really, but just being able to look around a store WITH MY MOM and say what things we thought were cute or not so cute and what was too expensive, and all that good girly stuff was so much fun!
We did meet up with the guys for lunch, which was also fun, of course; but I really am thankful for that special time just with Mama. There's nothing quite like having your mama all to yourself after 6 months, well, with Isaiah, too, of course.

After lunch we all headed for LegoLand. There are not sufficient words to describe how much fun we all had at LegoLand. Isaiah got to see his first movie in a theater setting, which he loved! He laughed through the whole thing. Actually he pretty much laughed through the whole afternoon. We spent about 3 hours playing and playing and playing with legos. They had these wonderful great big legos that were just right for Isaiah. They were in these great big pits, almost like a ball pit, and he just crawled around in among the legos and played and played. All of us built things, so I'm not really sure who had the most fun! If you're ever going to go to Berlin, then LegoLand is a must see!
Isaiah enjoying the great big Legos, and us enjoying watching him
Wondering where Isaiah gets his look of concentration?

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