23 January 2008

A New Part of our Ministry

In all the activity and excitement of getting ready to go to Berlin, I forgot to post about something very important!  Part of what we hope to do in Russia is develop a ministry to people with disabilities, specifically at first children with disabilities.  As our language skills have developed we have been able to begin to look into this area of ministry more.  One of the first things that we (particularly Thomas) has started is a new website about the work that we hope to do.  

We have named the ministry Isaiah International in honor of our sweet Little Man and because of the passage in Isaiah 35:6 that prophesies about the lame walking and being healed.  We would love for you to check out the site at www.isaiahinternational.org.  There will also be a permanent link on my sidebar whenever you would like to visit it again.

Please join with us in praying for direction for this new ministry and for the people to whom we hope to minister.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I dropped a note over on your husband's blog but thought I'd stop over and say hello here too. I came across your site while searching for info on Down syndrome (one of your posts mentioned it on your ministry site.)

My son, who is five months old, was born with ds; I am very excited to read about your journey thus far and about your desire to work with children with disabilities. Anyway, I wish you the best and hope to keep up on your life.