26 October 2010

4 Months With Nadezhda, Only A Month Late

A month ago Nadezhda turned 4 months.  So, here's what she was up to at that age, for those of you patient, faithful blog readers who would like to know.

She started sitting in the bumbo seat, though not for very long at this point.

She is getting super interactive!  It's so much fun!  Here she was playing peek-a-boo with Daddy.

She likes her play mat and smiles at the baby in the mirror a good bit.  She's "talking" a lot, too.  I love to hear her voice.  She is pretty much constant motion, so this was one of the few non-blurry pictures that I could find of her on her mat.

She loves it when we play with her.  She has the cutest little laugh when you do "exercises" with her.  Oh to be that flexible.  And check out those rolls on her leg!  Around 3 1/2 months old, she weighed in just under 12 pounds.  

And the big thing during this 4th month was the fact that we finally got to have some good tummy time as our schedule sort of slowed down.  She got better and better at holding up her head while on her tummy, and of course she looks super cute doing it!

She can entertain herself a bit better, and she finally seems to have made a little bit of peace with her car seat, and hopefully that will continue to improve!

And now, I should go write her 5 month post so that it has better details from my poor memory so that I won't have to remember a month from now what she was up to!

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