24 March 2009

Things I Love

Over at a site that I've really enjoyed is a Mr. Linky (an internet thingy where you write a post and then put the link to that post into the correct spots so that your post is in a list of posts on that related subject) for a post about things you love about your husband.  The point of the post was to remind us that when we are not feeling a lot of love towards someone, that perhaps the best thing to do is to begin thanking God for that person.

While my love for Thomas doesn't feel "all dried up", I have lately been less than loving.  While working through some things in my insides, I've been withdrawn and rather reactionary.  I thought that linking up with the other ladies would be doing a good thing for me and for my amazingly wonderful husband!

So here goes, things that I am thankful for in my husband:

~He's incredibly musical--he plays the guitar, sings, directs music, writes music
~He plays hide and seek with Isaiah while I'm fixing dinner (hearing Isaiah laugh so hard that he almost stops breathing brings a smile to my face)
~He works hard at whatever he's doing whether it be "official" work or a hobby, he does it with all his might
~He figures out how to do electrical work so that we can have better lighting.
~He can cook!  I like to say that I'm the cook and he's the chef of the family.  He helps out a lot with the cooking, and he's really good at it!
~He's just handsome.  I'm thankful to be married to a handsome man.
~He likes to plan trips.
~He overcomes his fears to bring us great adventure!

I could go on, but I think that he would get embarrassed reading many more accolades. :)  He's a wonderful husband and father, and I thank God for him.

See, told you he was handsome!


Kelly said...

What a great idea...I love it!! We should praise our husbands more!

Anonymous said...

And he has a beautiful, loving, caring and wonderful wife !!