24 March 2009

Tagged in a Meme

Our creative friend Esme has tagged us in a meme about kids' products.  She told us about her dry erase board that she really enjoys, and then asked us and some other bloggers to talk about a product that they enjoy, so here we go...

I had a hard time picking something that's specifically a kid product because Isaiah likes best of all to play with magazines and books and cars.  Everything else he "tolerates", then I remembered his music!

We are so excited to have found these headphones (the link shows blue headphones, but Isaiah's are just white and silver, in case you feel confused by the pictures below) just for little people!  These are Fisher-Price headphones at a very reasonable price.  This Little Man is just like his daddy in that he absolutely LOVES music!  

These headphones made the perfect birthday present for him from Grandma and Grandaddy.

With all the spurts of traveling we do, which usually involves international flights, these headphones have been a tremendous help!

And when you have to take that early flight and then drive for a while to get to Grandma and Grandpa's house, the headphones can play your special music to help you relax and sleep!

All right, so I'm now supposed to tag 5 more people to talk about a product that they love.  If you'd like to participate, please go right ahead.  I'm curious what these people would choose to talk about:

This is what you need to do. Write a review of any kids product, it can be a toy, a book or anything which you have personally used. Pass this meme to five other blogger friends.

1 comment:

e said...

i'm so impressed he leaves them on! he is so stinkin cute! jack loves music too but he'd go nuts about those things being on his head! i'll try to review something soon!

love you