10 February 2009

Please Pass the Honey

Tonight at supper Isaiah wasn't all that hungry apparently.  We've been trying to put some weight on him actually since he's the same size as kids 1/3 of his age.  It doesn't help that one of his necessary medicines is actually an appetite suppressor, kind of a bummer.

Anyway, tonight at dinner he ate the pasta that was prepared for him, but he was having some major problems with the chicken.  I won't go into detail on that, but trust me, it wasn't pretty.  There wasn't that much pasta for him, so we pulled out the good ol' lavash (a great bread that Deanna brought us last night!).  Thomas started dipping pieces of the bread in honey that happened to be on the table.  Well, Thomas wasn't fast enough.  Next thing we see is Isaiah reaching over the tray of his chair and dropping pieces of his bread into the honey and then trying to get them back out as if to say, 
"Hey, that's really good, I want more of that stuff on my bread, and Daddy you are falling down on the job, so I'm just going to find a way to do it myself."

He might not talk much, but he sure can communicate!  I so wish that I could have caught that on film (as the old saying goes).


atkins7330 said...

That would have been a great video! I can just imagine his expressions.

Anonymous said...

yummy honey i love honey!

i have another award for you!!!!:)

Guitta said...

yummmmmmmmmm! bread and honey! Add some butter and you are in business.

Mozi Esme said...

Our girl is super picky with food, too - though she's still chubby, so I'm not stressing out, yet. It's amazing the theatrics we go through to get her to eat anything! Maybe we just need to bring out the honey...