07 January 2008

Read Any Good Books Lately?

If we are at home for any length of time, and Isaiah is playing in our front room, inevitably he will crawl over to the shelf where I keep his books and look from me to his books while sweetly smiling and pointing to his books. How cam I resist something so precious and productive! I love that Isaiah loves his books. He's even started reading on his own!

"Huh, what?"

"Um, don't bother me now, I'm reading!"


e said...

i've been a bad blog stalker lately so i'm just catching on to your switch...i'm quite pleased you are on blogger...much easier to leave comments! love that little man reading!

ps: need a header? i'd love to hook you up! :-)

js said...

I love that dino book! Well, I like most of Sandra Boynton's. Good boy reading his books. :)

Anonymous said...

Isaiah, you're so-o-o-o adorable reading that book. I keep coming back to see that picture over and over again. The chair is a perfect fit for you too.
love grandma slawson

CristyLynn said...

Grandma Slawson,
Mama put the picture closer to the top so you can see it more easily and often. Is that the right one?
Love you!