25 August 2009

First Family Sighting

Not THE first family. This was the first time we got to see the majority of Thomas' family. We celebrated the birthday of one nephew and the birth of another nephew, which was great fun.

Isaiah saw his grandparents for the first time in 6 months, and they were so much clearer than through Skype. :)

Playing with cousins is so much fun!

And here's our newest nephew with his proud uncle.

Isaiah was a big fan of the little nephew.

And Jake was an adorable birthday boy! His mama did an amazing job on his monkey cake, but somehow I missed getting that picture, maybe I should just get her to do it again. :)

It was only one day, but it was very special and made us anticipate the next special visit with everyone else, a perfect respite after a week chock-full of doctor visits!

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