13 January 2009

So Many Words, So Little Sleep

My dear friends,

As you probably know, the past few weeks have been quite busy for us, and the blog has taken a backseat to everything else going on.  I do have a lot in my head that I've been wanting to get on the screen, but time has been an issue, as well as helping an almost-3-year-old (did I really just type that!) adjust to a 9-hour time difference.  So, I do hope in the next few days to update you on what has been going on for us as we traveled and before that how we helped at a really great camp and before that how we celebrated New Year's.

Despite my "blog break", Random Thoughts managed a new look for the New Year thanks to my great friend E and her creative efforts!  Please check out EBS Designs to see her work.  Isn't my blog just beautiful!  I LOVE it!  Thank you, E!


e said...

Yay! It is fun to get a little glimpse of you on here! I am sure it is CRAZY trying to get adjusted here...a one hour time change throws Jack off so I can't even imagine 9 hours!!
SO wish I could have seen you this past weekend! We were in an out so fast it just wouldn't have worked. I'm sure you were too jet lagged to miss me anyway :-) Do you have a cell number in the states? I wanted to call you but don't know how! Email me when you can!

Welcome home!!
love you
ps - glad you like your new look :-)

The Nelsons said...

I just love your new design- so fancy shmancy!

We all hope we can see you while you are here- no pressure though considering everyone you must visit including docs.

But we love you all and miss you!