09 March 2008

Happy International Woman's Day (a day late)

Yesterday was quite an important holiday here in Russia. Actually the celebrating began Friday night. Everywhere you went you saw people carrying flowers. Some people had absolutely HUGE bouquets and other people had smaller ones, but almost every single person you saw was carrying flowers of some sort!

Why, you ask? Well, March 8 is International Woman's Day, of course! In Russia this means that you give the women in your life, chocolate, flowers, balloons, perfume, any kind of pretty thing that you think they might like, but especially flowers!

Isaiah and I were able to spend the afternoon with one of our favorite Russian women, Aunt Luda. We made her cookies in the morning and treated her to Teremok for lunch, her favorite. Then we enjoyed a wonderful walk in the Summer Garden, including a ride on a teeter-totter. It was warm (right at 32F), so we were able to be outside for quite a while.

Isaiah loves to "love on" Aunt Luda

This is one of our favorite games. I spin around and say "Where's Isaiah?" while he laughs.

Then I (carefully) "sling" him down and say "There he is!" while Isaiah laughs even more!

Some more fun before heading home.

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